Security: 787-398-2523
Administration: 787-269-4165
Leasing: 787-622-9600 Exts. 128, 120, 145, 154, 127
Operations: Ext. 111
Administration: 787-269-4165
Leasing: 787-622-9600 Exts. 128, 120, 145, 154, 127
Operations: Ext. 111
Comercial 18 is located at 800 Roberto H. Todd Avenue, Stop 18, in Santurce, only 10 minutes from Old San Juan. The city of Santurce was the main economic and social hub of Puerto Rico in the 1950’s. Due to its excellent location, the city has developed new commercial buildings, hotels, restaurants and night clubs converting it again in the main economic and social hub of the island. The property has a total of 70,211 square feet which is predominantly office space with retail space opportunities.
Location: Roberto H Todd Ave. #800, Parada 18, Santurce PR
Gross Leasable Area: 70,211 Sq. Ft.